How did you learn to love?

I just got off the phone with my mom, who asked me an odd question: Where did I learn to love?

It does not always come as naturally or as easily as you might think. Giving hugs and kisses and even speaking kind words to others can be very awkward and hard when you are not used to it.

I have seen an amazing transformation in my mother over the last couple of years. She is taking better care of her health and she has become much closer to God. These changes have spilled over into better quality time between us, even if I am 36 years old and she is 56 and we only see each other for a few hours every other weekend.

We say “I love you” more often and give each other a hug before going our separate ways.

This is what a mother-daughter relationship should be. Right? My mom is doing good.

So how did I respond to this question? Clearly I must have learned some from her. And Granny. And my snow-dog. I know my mom was busy working when I was a kid. But she left me with good people who showed me kindness.

My mother has transformed in amazing ways over the last couple of years. Taking care of her health both physically and spiritually. She has been making more of a point lately to tell me that she loves me and to give me hugs every time she comes over for a visit.


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